This is an awesome bookshelf that doubles as a good house or garage for all those lost toys
If I had seen this cute crib when Little Man was smaller I definitely would have snagged it (look at the heart border)
This big and little chair set would look very good for a reading room and at 99 Euro it is a bargain!
I've got more to post for tomorrow -stay tuned!
Hi! Love your blog! I'm going to be in Paris in May with my daughter (who will be 11 months by then...) and was wondering where this *wonderful* chair was? Also, random question-- how bad is the changing-table situation in bathrooms in Paris? Given what you said about Parisians potty training at 4 months, I have a very bad feeling about it! Any advice would be great!! Thanks :)
Hi there and thank you for the compliment!
This wonderful chair can be found at the Maisons du Monde in Forum des Halles.
Address: Bounded by Rues Rambuteau, Berger, Lescot
Directions: 1er arrondissement Connects to the Chatelet (Métro) and Chatelet Les Halles (RER) stations
As far as the baby changing -it isn't bad really except for at the Louvre. There you must be prepared to improvise. As long as you are in a larger commercial area changing tables aren't difficult to find.
If you happen upon this wonderful little chair --will you buy me one too?? Since moving here to the States I've been looking for one similar (I didn't think it would be impossible). I just haven't been happy with what passes over here as a child's chair.
Have fun!!
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